Tag Archives: among-the-brad

Be Afraid: Ryan Gosling Threatens Early Retirement

It’s often said that we get the culture we deserve, and maybe — judging by the soft reception for Drive and the general post-Venice quietude around next month’s The Ides of March — the adage is true. Why else would Ryan Gosling, one of the most respected screen talents of his generation, publicly contemplate getting out of the business early?

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Be Afraid: Ryan Gosling Threatens Early Retirement

Watch the Impressionistic U.K. Teaser Trailer for Andrea Arnold’s Wuthering Heights

“This is something of a pointillist Wuthering Heights , a story told more with dots and dashes than with long, bold strokes,” wrote Movieline’s Stephanie Zacharek after seeing Andrea Arnold’s bold take on the classic novel upon its Venice Film Festival debut. Now that the film’s first teaser has debuted, you can see for yourself what she meant, windswept longing gazes and foggy moors and elemental snatches of scenery and all.

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Watch the Impressionistic U.K. Teaser Trailer for Andrea Arnold’s Wuthering Heights

Take a Guess Which Movie Brad Pitt Wants as His Legacy

Thelma and Louise. Seven. Fight Club. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The Tree of Life. To say nothing of this week’s superb Moneyball . With a few arguable exceptions, these are among the Brad Pitt films you’ll find generally accepted as canonical. So which, if he had to choose one, do you think he would hand down as his legacy? Hint: None of them .

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Take a Guess Which Movie Brad Pitt Wants as His Legacy