Tag Archives: animals-even

BP Buys Scientists’ Silence For $250 Per Hour

That’s 24 minutes right there… photo: Gisela Giardino via flickr. Perhaps this sort of non-disclosure agreement is normal, but for BP and its growing reputation of trying to stop the free flow of information regarding the Gulf oil spill as much as its trying to stop the flowing oil itself, it doesn’t look good: Think Progress reports that BP’s agreement with scientists it has recruited to work on their behalf in the

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BP Buys Scientists’ Silence For $250 Per Hour

PETA Says: We Resort to Naked-Women-Gimmickry Because It Works

Last week we wrote about PETA’s latest campaign that features Olivia Munn in the buff , intended to bring attention to the cruel treatment of circus elephants. We questioned the ad’s true effectiveness. PETA sent in a response to the post, expressing reasons why they feel the use of nudity works to further their cause. Thanks for making some points about Ringling’s cruelty to animals even though you don’t like PETA’s new anti-circus PSA featuring Olivia Munn. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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PETA Says: We Resort to Naked-Women-Gimmickry Because It Works