Tag Archives: another-because

Selena Gomez Leveraging Taylor Swift or Taylor Swift Leveraging Everyone of the Day

Taylor Swift…has been clever enough to become best friends with pretty much everything and everyone, in her quest to take over the world, in this world that is filled with socially acceptable behavior, because thanks to Facebook, no one tells each other to fuck off the way we once would, but instead we want them to follow our shit, like our shit, and help grow our relevance so that we too can be influencers…while telling people they are cunts, or starting one too many fights makes people think you’re just a bitch, and no one, except me, like bitches… Sure she’s got her Katy Perry cuz they fuck the same dude beef, it adds to both their profiles, makes them look like they are more than just smiling retards who love everyone, and in Taylor’s case she does, as long as she’s the top alpha the other periods sync to, you know on her turf, at her concert, at her party, at her house, where the entrance fee is letting her fuck your man and all their freinds to give her material to sing about… It is pretty phoney bitch behavior….I never trust the public BFF hustle, especially when there’s money involved…like this…but maybe you’ll find it hot, erotic, sexy, in some way or another because you’re fucking weird… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Justin Timberlake was also there….and Ellen…in what was some weirdo variety show since eeveryone loves Taylor swift…weird… A video posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Aug 27, 2015 at 1:55am PDT Here is Selena doing a Taylor Swift impression… BONUS – Pics from Paris Match of Taylor’s Lover/ Human Barbie Doll…because why not.. Some Taylor Swift for the Win… The post Selena Gomez Leveraging Taylor Swift or Taylor Swift Leveraging Everyone of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Leveraging Taylor Swift or Taylor Swift Leveraging Everyone of the Day