Tag Archives: another-cover

Adrian Chircu Covering – Mistletoe by Justin Bieber Official

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Hey guys, it`s me Adrian Chircu covering Mistletoe by Justin Bieber. and it`s official ! lol. Also don`t forget to follow and like my facebook and twitter page. www.facebook.com and www.twitter.com and adrianchircu.com Right now I got 338 fans on FaceBook and like 7 followers on Twitter lol. but that`sa start though isn`t it? But guys if YOU HAVE a twitter page please follow me. I really want some poeple to tweet with lol. Also I`m working on another cover called Payphone and yes it`s from Maroon5 I love that band. Anyways I like Justin Bieber too so if you don`t like him you don`t have to hate on me because of that. Thank you for all your support so far. You`ve been amazing and I hope I`ll get more Subscribers and more views and hopefully get known. http://www.youtube.com/v/iMQOoA-M87Y?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Link: Adrian Chircu Covering – Mistletoe by Justin Bieber Official

Adrian Chircu Covering – Mistletoe by Justin Bieber Official