Tag Archives: twitter-page

Adrian Chircu Covering – Mistletoe by Justin Bieber Official

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Hey guys, it`s me Adrian Chircu covering Mistletoe by Justin Bieber. and it`s official ! lol. Also don`t forget to follow and like my facebook and twitter page. www.facebook.com and www.twitter.com and adrianchircu.com Right now I got 338 fans on FaceBook and like 7 followers on Twitter lol. but that`sa start though isn`t it? But guys if YOU HAVE a twitter page please follow me. I really want some poeple to tweet with lol. Also I`m working on another cover called Payphone and yes it`s from Maroon5 I love that band. Anyways I like Justin Bieber too so if you don`t like him you don`t have to hate on me because of that. Thank you for all your support so far. You`ve been amazing and I hope I`ll get more Subscribers and more views and hopefully get known. http://www.youtube.com/v/iMQOoA-M87Y?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Link: Adrian Chircu Covering – Mistletoe by Justin Bieber Official

Adrian Chircu Covering – Mistletoe by Justin Bieber Official

Megan Fox Quits Twitter!

Well, that lasted about as long as most men when staring as Megan Fox nude . Just days after she joined Twitter , the actress has now left Twitter. All it took were 13 Tweets and one re-Tweet for Fox to realize this was not her thing. “Some of you may, or may not have noticed by now that my Twitter account has been shut down…,” the actress wrote on Facebook. “I thought that 2013 might be the year I finally blossomed into a social networking butterfly…but as it turns out I still hate it.” Fox apologized for her abrupt exit, but added she will be remaining on Facebook. We’re also very sorry, readers, but allow us to try and make you feel better via this link: Megan Fox photos ! You’re welcome.

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Megan Fox Quits Twitter!

Kylie denies split rumours on twitter

Aussie pop icon Kylie Minogue has defended her relationship with boyfriend Andres Velencoso amid rumours that she recently had a ‘massive row’ and then split with the Spanish model. She updated her twitter page to dispel any further gossip and asked fans to ‘pay no attention peeps’

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Kylie denies split rumours on twitter

DWTS Wish List: Michael Phelps, Maria, Kobe!

Maria Sharapova, get on the dance floor. You are wanted for season nine of Dancing With the Stars. “I want to see those outfits on her,” professional dancer Tony Dovolani told us…

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DWTS Wish List: Michael Phelps, Maria, Kobe!

Forget Phone or Email! Stars Use Twitter to Pat Each Other on the Back

You’ve already read all the Emmy nominees’ reactions to their nominations, so now it’s time to see what the famous people who weren’t honored have to say to those who…

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Forget Phone or Email! Stars Use Twitter to Pat Each Other on the Back