Tag Archives: another-hottie

Bella Thorne Gets Naughty In A Hot Tub

I know some of you probably think I’m making fun of Bella Thorne when I call her one of the hardest-working hotties in Hollywood. But I’m not. See, while you guys were “busy” laying on the couch watching TV or whatever it is you were doing this weekend, Bella spent hers hard at work in the hot tub posting bikini shots and tongue action on Snapchat. Because she gets it: if you’re not willing to post bikini pictures 24/7/365, there’s another hottie out there who is.

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Bella Thorne Gets Naughty In A Hot Tub

Bella Thorne Gets Naughty In A Hot Tub

I know some of you probably think I’m making fun of Bella Thorne when I call her one of the hardest-working hotties in Hollywood. But I’m not. See, while you guys were “busy” laying on the couch watching TV or whatever it is you were doing this weekend, Bella spent hers hard at work in the hot tub posting bikini shots and tongue action on Snapchat. Because she gets it: if you’re not willing to post bikini pictures 24/7/365, there’s another hottie out there who is.

Here is the original post:
Bella Thorne Gets Naughty In A Hot Tub

Robin Holzken Bikini Pictures Will Blow Your Mind

I’m always on the lookout for new hot models to post, and Robin Holzken here definitely qualifies thanks to this killer bikini shoot she did for Beach Bunny. And actually, she really reminds me of another hottie, I just can’t seem to remember who. Of course, I also can’t seem to remember how to open my mouth without drooling or where I put my pants, but I’m sure it’ll all come back to me eventually. Stay tuned. » view all 16 photos Continue reading

Meet Super Hottie Rayana Ragan

I’ve never heard of Rayana Ragan before coming across these awesome bikini pictures, but she reminds me of another hottie, I just can’t figure out who. Oh well, maybe if I keep staring at these pictures long enough, it’ll eventually come to me. Actually, it probably won’t, since my brain is pretty much fried after years of blogging, but I figure there’s got to be worse ways to spend the rest of my day than with my face three inches from the computer screen drooling over this cutie in a bikini. » view all 18 photos

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Meet Super Hottie Rayana Ragan

Selena Gomez Pretty In Pink

After the hot shots I had earlier of Hayden Panettiere at the Teen Choice Awards , I thought I’d see if I could find another hottie from the event to post pictures of. Here’s Selena Gomez working her hot pink little outfit on the red carpet or purple carpet or whatever last night, flashing a winning smile and some sexy long legs. That’s what I like to see. It’s about time she drops the Bieber douche though, time to move on to a pretend lesbian romance I think. Hayden might be a good choice. Just a suggestion.

Lucy Hale Is A Sexy Little Number

I don’t know who this Lucy Hale hottie is, but I’m sure glad she was invited to some party at Planet Hollywood the other day, because she not only wore a gorgeous tight little dress, but it looks like she gave a nice little kiss to another hottie on the red carpet. That’s certainly one way to get my attention. Well played whoever you are. I can’t wait to see what she does next.

Hilary Duff’s Sweet Soft Hotness

I was really tempted to write a post about another hottie feeding the parking meter, I’ve got a thing for those chicks, but I realized that some people might think that that’s a weird fetish and I should keep it to myself. So instead I’m going to talk about how soft Hilary Duff’s arms are getting. Is that a better topic? I didn’t think so , but nobody cares what I think as long as they get some hot shots of Hilary Duff walking around looking kinda good….. I’ve thought about it and that seems fair. Enjoy.