Tag Archives: apocalyse-hits

Gretchen Rossi Demonstrating How She Pisses of the Day

This is some bottom feeder that you have no business knowing by name because she is really that useless and from some Reality TV bullshit, but she is the kind of nobody who I call paparazzi chasers, whether she tips them off as to where she is going to be, or she follows them around like they are famous and she’s the paparazzi, just in hopes there’s a slow day so that motherfucker can catch her simulating pissing like the dog she is, or doing the other really lame stunts she’s pulled over the last few months she’s been pretending to be famous. It is girls like this who are making celebrity and hollywood worse than a fucking trailer park not that I really remember a time when people who didn’t deserve to be famous were famous, but I do know that it is getting out of hand and can only hope the apocalyse hits Southern California before getting to me, so I can watch the end and smile satisfied before the locusts or tsunami get me….

The rest is here:
Gretchen Rossi Demonstrating How She Pisses of the Day