Tag Archives: appropriation

Dear Black People… Are You Offended By This? [Video]

Nicole Arbour is a successful youtube comedian with millions of views on her videos, so we can’t hate on her hustle. We don’t think her bit was very funny and some of her jokes in the video above left us cringing… But that may be just us. What do you think about Nicole and her appropriation comments? This isn’t the first time Nicole’s offended people. Do you remember “Dear Fat People?” Turn the page in case you missed it…

Originally posted here:
Dear Black People… Are You Offended By This? [Video]

Adam Lambert Doesn’t Think Cultural Appropriation Is That Big Of A Deal

Adam Lambert starts a Twitter discussion on the appropriation of LBGT culture. Glamberts weigh in on both sides of the argument.

Continued here:
Adam Lambert Doesn’t Think Cultural Appropriation Is That Big Of A Deal