Tag Archives: arena-combat

Super-Duper Contest Final Showdown- ( Acrowar RULs ! )

——–the runes of the day; C. U. R. R. E. N. T. The Catagory Groups or Badges Hecklers and stonethrowers welcome,…come smell the blood in the Water,…watch the sands turn RED ! ( With only 3 gladiators, the roar of the crowd can be sorted out from the Dinar of the score tally ) This textwar will officially begin at HIGH NOON -TEXAS TIME ! ———-One more TIME- ———TEXAS TIME ——— ……….but,………if you happen to jump the gun,………well,………this IS arena combat; MUCH HARM = NO FOUL -everything counts- Let the bloodletting begin ! RAH ! http://www.colchestergladiators.org.uk/userfiles/gladswhitebgrounddecal1.jpg added by: remanns