Tag Archives: armpits-blue

Blue Armpit Hair Fetish Video of the Day

I am not thankful for armpits or armpit hair, even though I know it is a fetish. I am also not thankful for new age feminists, who don’t really understand feminism, because they weren’t alive when gender roles were actually one-sided, even if women theoretically get paid less than men for the same job, I call bullshit, because I’ve been living off my wife’s checks for years… Meaning, you’re all a bunch of entitled babies, looking to be politically correct and boring, causing dumb controversy, by dying your armpits blue like the misguided fuck that you are… It’s like “I’m a feminist, women’s rights, I’ll fuck 12 dudes in a row on a porn set, then dye my armpits blue, Girl Power”…not that this girl is a pornstar, she’s just an idiot…

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Blue Armpit Hair Fetish Video of the Day