Tag Archives: around-waiting

Emma Watson May be in a See Through of the Day

Emma Watson possible nipple is something you’d assume would break the internet, far more important that Brad Pitt fucking Russian Hookers before Angelina filed for divorce….in some Illuminati, disgusting celebrity nonsense people love but shouldn’t give a fuck about…because Emma Watson is possibly showing her fucking nipple in public…like some kind of hippie..or feminist…in this world of no bras..and sheer tops… This bitch was raised on being a fantasy to sci-fi/fantasy nerds everywhere, they sat around waiting for her to turn 18…as they watched Harry Potter over and over…and now…nipple…this is the holy grail..the kind of shit that makes their lonely lives worth living..even though between you and me…you’re pathetic and you should probably kill yourself…especially if a nipple can save you…that’s just even more pathetic… The post Emma Watson May be in a See Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emma Watson May be in a See Through of the Day