Tag Archives: artists-hooking

Rashad Johnson Finger Injury: The Grossest Thing in NFL History?

Rashad Johnson, who plays safety for the Arizona Cardinals, suffered an incredibly gnarly finger injury on the field against the New Orleans Saints on Sunday. Kevin Ware is not fazed. The rest of the world may be sick. Johnson crushed his left middle finger during the game, but didn’t realize how badly until he took off his glove and saw only part of his finger there. Monday, Johnson himself tweeted a picture of the photo, saying, “Blessed to be able to still go out and do what I love this season. #thankful #trulyblessed” He plans on playing this weekend, too, an amazing feat considering he lost the end of one of his digits 48 hours ago. We’re not exaggerating, either. If you can stomach it, follow the jump to see …

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Rashad Johnson Finger Injury: The Grossest Thing in NFL History?

Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes: We’re Dating!

She was quick to shoot down romance talk when it popped up around Justin Bieber – and now she’s been quick to do the opposite when it comes to Nathan Sykes. Yes, Ariana Grande is dating this member of The Wanted! Rumors of these young artists hooking up started to circulate about a month ago, with both sides taking to Twitter today and confirming the exciting news for fans. Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande: Dating! “We hesitated saying anything as people can be a bit insensitive but thank u. we value all of your happiness, thank you for valuing ours :),” Grande wrote, while Sykes added: “So, I guess it’s obvious now… thanks to everyone who is being so lovely. I’m so happy #butweareterrified #pleasedontkillme #orariana.” There you have it. The only remaining question: What do we call this couple? Gykes ? Nariana ? Sound off below with your nickname suggestions!

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Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes: We’re Dating!