We’re sure Porsha is tired of hearing about you having a child at age 42. Kenya Tired Of Hearing About Porsha’s Divorce Is Kenya just mad nobody ever put a ring on her desperate finger? According to Kenya’s Bravo TV Blog: We all handle situations differently. Maybe it is a bit insensitive of me to be tired of hearing about it. However, from the beginning, when I hear one call their ex all kinds of gay queens, wanting to keep their ex’s last name after they’ve slandered them, wanting a big divorce settlement after 2 years of marriage with no property and no children together, having employment of your own, or stating they will come back if the money is right and if he deals with his demons. These blaring oxymoronic statements and feelings have strained my tolerance for this constant display of unsubstantiated emotional fragility. Therefore, I don’t have a lot of sympathy towards the situation. I do however think both Kandi and Phaedra attempted to give sound financial advice. There’s only so much you can do. So this is round 5,368, but Kenya does have one thing over Porsha: she knew the underground railroad didn’t have actual trains.
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Wamp, Wamp, Wamp: Kenya Moore Says She Is Tired Of Hearing About Porsha’s Divorce