Aruna Gilbert/ WENN Where is swamp possum thick Nicole Murphy??? Shannon Sharpe Responds To Interracial Dating Criticism Somebody call SKIIIIIILP! Shannon Sharpe’s got some words for people worried about his dating patterns. As previously reported a gang of folks called out the TV host for allegedly being engaged to a white woman while publicly lusting over Nicole Murphy. Umm, Shannon Sharpe HAS a FIANCE — N ID (@AquaLarocca) November 20, 2017 Now Shannon’s speaking out on his personal life in response to a tweet. When @cynthia_g1984 pointed out the hypocrisy of celebrating men like Lavar Ball and Shannon Sharpe who “exclusively date white women” while criticizing Serena Williams and Halle Berry for dating white men… Black Men accept LaVar Ball & Shannon Sharpe (who never dated black wmn) having white spouses & consider them pro black because, they spend part of their time talking about racism & part time sleeping with white women but, Halle Berry & Serena Williams are Sellouts & Bed Wenches. — Cynthia G (@Cynthia_G1984) November 23, 2017 Shannon clapped back. According to him, it’s no one’s business who he’s with. “I don’t date for approval and don’t need you or others to confirm who or what I am,” said Shannon. Not that it’s yours or anyone else’s DAMN business who I date. I don’t date for approval and don’t need you or others to confirm who or what I am. Enjoy your day. — shannon sharpe (@ShannonSharpe) November 24, 2017 We can neither confirm nor deny that milds and Henn-dawg lovin’ Shay Sharpe ONLY likes women of the blonde persuasion. Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic Hit the flip for another tweet.
See the rest here:
Pass The Yac: Shannon Sharpe Splashes Henn-Dog On Someone Who Says He Hypocritically Dates White Women