Tag Archives: ashley-graves

Instagram Model Ashley Graves Works The NYC Subway In A Bikini

If you’ve ever taken the subway in New York in the summer, you know there’s a 99% chance you’ll be riding in a smelly, crowded, overheated metal tube with a weirdo and/or sleeping homeless guy. But Insta-hottie   Ashley Graves just made a few lucky New Yorkers’ subway rides a whole lot more exciting by hitting the subway in a tiny bikini. Although these pictures are so damn hot, I wouldn’t be surprised if it blew the cars’ A/C out. You know, assuming it was working to begin with, that is. Enjoy! More #subway fun with @ashley_graves #labordayweekend the #subwayseries #models A video posted by Scott Lipps (@scottlipps) on Sep 5, 2016 at 12:02pm PDT More #BTS on the #subway #funtimes with @ashley_graves #saturdays A video posted by Scott Lipps (@scottlipps) on Sep 3, 2016 at 1:41pm PDT Bringing the #beach to the #subway with @ashley_graves #its still #summer A video posted by Scott Lipps (@scottlipps) on Sep 3, 2016 at 8:40am PDT

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Instagram Model Ashley Graves Works The NYC Subway In A Bikini