Tag Archives: assume-it-meant

Emma Watson in “The Bling Ring” Trailer of the Day

Everyone’s favorite hipster director….thanks to nepotism….Sofia Copoola….comes The Bling Ring….which is about the group of LA famous people obsessed kids who used the internet to track celebs and rob their homes….you probably remember that story…it was a big deal a few years ago…people like Paris Hilton, Rachel Bilson, Megan Fox and Lohan all got robbed…. Well the movie is comin’ out, and Emma Watson is in it, and this is the Trailer…and since I like the vibe of the movie and you’ve liked Emma Watson since she was 12 and you felt she’d grow up into a nice young girl…like you did with your neighbor’s kid…..I’m posting it…even though she’s far too clothed to really be bothering….but Emma Watson fans are weird and this is porn to them…..

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Emma Watson in “The Bling Ring” Trailer of the Day

Candice Swanepoel in Lingerie Pics We’ve Probably Already Seen Before of the Day

Victoria’s Secret pics are like sex with your wife…or long term girlfriend…who you aren’t even really attracted to anymore…not because they aren’t decent looking….but because they have been drained of all excitement and sex appeal over the years of seeing them at their worst….from shitting…to being the same ass you fuck day after day…when all you really want to do is fuck new pussy…but feel torn because you’re not an asshole who would go behind your trusting girl’s back…but shit…you’d love new pussy…even if it wasn’t as hot….just the fact that it was new makes it hot…. You know…the familiar, comfortable, predictable, feels like home kinda pussy you don’t really appreciate as much as you should, but know that you don’t want to lose it…. Because these Victoria’s Secret pics are the fucking same as always..which makes them boring as shit….but the girls in them are hot enough….to make us want to look at them…even if we know what to fucking expect…and even if they don’t give us boners like they did when we were 15 in catalog form before the internet… It’s familiar….comfortable…predictable…boring…like white people, they all look the same….but shit…this Candice bitch…is pretty spectacular in any setting…. Here are the pics…

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Candice Swanepoel in Lingerie Pics We’ve Probably Already Seen Before of the Day

Dita Von Teese Topless in Pasties of the Day

Dita Von Teese sucks. She’s just one of those right time/right place situations….a socially awkward nerd who found the internet in a time when the mainstream wasn’t on the internet….developing a fan base that was strong enough for the mainstream who hadn’t been on the internet and were slow to get on the internet to assume it meant she was famous….in what I like to call the “Tila Tequila Syndrome”….only I think Dita Von Teese was before Tila Tequila…but pretty much the same fucking story….dudes like bitches who get naked online and add them as friend on myspace…mainstream media find out about myspace and see dudes like girls by their friend count….recruiting them to be in their Playboy magazine….laying the foundation of a career as a 1940s obsessed Pin-Up/Burlesque icon who lacks any and all originality…who stirred the pot and got so many fat chicks involved in the movement…all sloppy with their nipple tassels on….when all Dita Von Teese shoulda really been was a lesbian pornstar…like her earlier work depicted…. So the internet made her a star…an artist…an icon in vintage stripping movement….but it ruined her lesbian porn career she was into when trying to get famous…..making her an all round fail…but here she is simulating toplessness regardless… TO SEE PICS OF HER ROCKING CRAZY FUCKING CLEAVAGE FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Dita Von Teese Topless in Pasties of the Day