Tag Archives: assuming-some

Laura Vandervoort Gets Sexy For PETA

I’m a simple man, I understood those ‘I’d Rather Be Naked Than Wear Fur’ PETA’s ads, a hot chick naked on a poster works for pretty much anything, but now I’m getting a little confused. Here’s hottie Laura Vandervoort , still technically naked, airbrushed to look like a lizard sunning herself on a rock? Or is she a snake? I don’t know. Not wearing a fur coat made sense to me. What kind of person still wears fur? Unless you’re a Ukrainian gangster, fur just doesn’t look right. But now I can’t even wear my snakeskin golf shoes? WTF? That was my thing.

Sara Jean Underwood As Bustice Works A Pole

Here’s my internet hottie girlfriend Sara Jean Underwood , on that geeky show she’s on, dressed up as Bustice . I don’t know what the hell a Bustice is, I’m assuming some sort of nerd superhero, but I think I like it. A tight outfit, a mask and some amazing cleavage is all I need to get on board. Besides, anything that gets Sara up working a stripper pole, other than maybe drug addiction and daddy issues, is alright with me. Nice work more pictures of Sara Jean Underwood here