I’ve been doing this site for 11 years and one of the biggest problems I’ve had with advertisers is the name “Hollywood Tuna”. Even though there’s no nudity or profanity on the site, a lot of advertisers would not dare be associated with it. I take a lot of pride in keeping this site SFW. However I’m still blocked by many companies. I know a lot of you can’t view my site at work because of whatever firewalls they use. So when I see Details Magazine post photos of Miley Cyrus ‘ latest shoot with Terry Richardson (which I think are amazing) and have American Express advertising next to her sucking a dildo and naked, it pisses me off. Not that there is nudity on their site, but because these same advertisers would never touch my site because they deem it unsafe for work. Personally, I think American corporations need to get over nudity and not give a damn, but truth be told, even major websites, news outlets, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and SnapChat are using nudity/porn to make money. The advertisers are just unaware of it. Anyway, if you want to see the pictures of Miley completely nude go over to Details Magazine here , and make sure to click on their advertisers. Continue reading →