Tag Archives: like-political

Bella Thorne Kisses A Girl And Likes It

While all the other so-called news outlets out there are covering “major” “stories” like political corruption or health care or whatever new scandal Trump’s wandered into now, I’m kind of surprised that no one else is covering the week’s biggest story: after months of practicing her tongue action with a camera, Bella Thorne finally graduated to slipping some tongue to a girl. I’m not sure who that is with her, and I’m a little too “busy” to look it up. But I promise to spend lots of time today studying this picture for any new clues. So stay tuned for any more updates on this. I smell Hollywood Tuna’s first Pulitzer.

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Bella Thorne Kisses A Girl And Likes It

Flashback: In 2009, Time Saw GOP As ‘Endangered Species’ Unless Party Moved Left

With all but one of the House races now resolved, Republicans have picked up at least 63 seats, the most in a midterm election since 1938. So, it might be fun on this Thanksgiving Day to recall how, just 18 months ago, Time's Michael Grunwald was arguing in a big cover story that demography and its “extremely conservative” philosophy meant the Republican Party could be on the verge of extinction. Back in May 2009, Newsbusters Brent Baker picked up on Grunwald's piece for the ridiculous way he painted the GOP as extremist: They are extremely conservative ideas tarred by association with the extremely unpopular George W. Bush, who helped downsize the party to its extremely conservative base. But re-reading the piece today, it's even more striking how Grunwald's “analysis” was based on liberal wishful thinking that small government conservative policies were like political arsenic, and how Republicans had to drop tax cuts and cultural conservatism if they ever hoped to come back from the wilderness. In other words, move left. But the GOP instead moved right, and was rewarded by voters. Which is why conservatives should probably not take strategic advice from their ideological adversaries in the media. read more

Excerpt from:
Flashback: In 2009, Time Saw GOP As ‘Endangered Species’ Unless Party Moved Left