Tag Archives: aston-kutcher

Celebrity GPS : Featuring Ashton Kutcher, Rafael Nadal, Holly Madison and Janice Dickinson


Hollywood TV caught up with Aston Kutcher and Rafael Nadal at The Late Show with David Letterman in New York . Back In Los Angeles we found Holly Madison and Janice Dickinson at The Roosevelt.

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Celebrity GPS : Featuring Ashton Kutcher, Rafael Nadal, Holly Madison and Janice Dickinson

PHOTO GALLERY: Ashton Kutcher Gives Demi Moore The Giggles

Demi Moore and Aston Kutcher dined last night with Demi’s daughter Rumor Willis on in West Hollywood, California. Demi and Rumor were overcome with laughter when the jokester that Aston is, pretended to open his pants to flash a few female fans who were calling out to the group…. …read full story

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PHOTO GALLERY: Ashton Kutcher Gives Demi Moore The Giggles