Tag Archives: attractive-face

Fergie’s Got Back

I do my best to not post pictures of Fergie’s busted old face, she should wear a Cobra Commander mask, but in a few of these shots it was just unavoidable. According to Wikipedia she’s only thirty five years old. I’m not buying it. When I look at that face I see an old spinster chasing men around at the senior center. The good news is she’s actually still got a good body and it’s worth looking at when she turns her head. Enjoy.

Christina Aguilera Is Not Attractive

This is the second post I’ve done today featuring Christina Aguilera and her not so attractive face, and I’m not proud of myself. It’s a good thing she’s got a decent body because she’s has not aged well. She kinda looks like one of those Hollywood old ladies who had a bit part in some movie sixty years ago and who’s been caking on the makeup ever since. You know the type. Luckily this ones got some nice boobs on her so it’s not all that bad. Close ups of her face are a bad idea. Eesh.