The hate-filled crazies are back. In July, at an Adam Lambert concert in San Jose, a group of protestors rallied outside and chanted about the singer’s homosexuality
See original here:
Protestor: Miley Cyrus is Going to Hell!
The hate-filled crazies are back. In July, at an Adam Lambert concert in San Jose, a group of protestors rallied outside and chanted about the singer’s homosexuality
See original here:
Protestor: Miley Cyrus is Going to Hell!
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged apt-punishment, auditions-last, gigantic, Gossip, her-gigantic, karina-smirnoff, louie-vito, michael-irvin, miley cyrus, our-disdain, Season Premiere, Sex, singer, your-parents
The season premiere of Dancing with the Stars lacked proper etiquette. That is, the ladies did not go first. While the women take to the stage this evening, as part of the show’s three-night premiere extravaganza, the men kicked things off with Latin and ballroom auditions last night
See the original post:
Dancing with the Stars Season Premiere: Gentlemen First
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged auditions-last, cheryl-burke, Gossip, Hollywood, karina-smirnoff, louie-vito, made-the-best, michael-irvin, Season Premiere, while-the-women, women