Most celebrities are attractive enough to be models. But the following celebrities actually made a living as models prior to striking it big in other industries. In the following collection of flashback photos, we take a look at some of their most awkward, revealing and downright hilarious pictures from a very long time ago… 1. Robert Pattinson The face looks much younger, but the hair is as awesome as ever. 2. Chris Pratt Leave Blue Steel to Ben Stiller. Sorry, Chris, but it’s true. 3. Keanu Reeves There’s only one word for this old school Keanu photo: WHOA! 4. Angelina Jolie No, really! This is Angelina! It is NOT a photo of Mila Kunis! 5. Channing Tatum Five years before Step Up, Tatum showed off his fake blonde locks in a campaign for Abercrombie & Fitch. 6. Jimmy Fallon We just assume this is the one time Fallon was NOT cracking up during a take. View Slideshow
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21 Stunning Photos of Stars as Models (LOL at Channing Tatum!)