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Barbarella Lives ! ( on film,..and in our hearts )

—Jane Fonda • Barbarella • Sci-Fi film by Roger Vadim 1968 Barbarella is a 1968 science fiction film based on the French Barbarella comics created by Jean-Claude Forest. The film was directed by Roger Vadim and stars Jane Fonda, who was Vadim's wife at the time. In the 40th century, Barbarella (Jane Fonda) is assigned by the President of Earth (Claude Dauphin) to retrieve Doctor Durand-Durand (Milo O'Shea) from the planet SoGo in order to save the earth. On her quest, Barbarella is seduced by a resident of SoGo (Ugo Tognazzi as Mark Hand), who introduces her to penetrative intercourse, something she is unaware of, since civilized people of Barbarella's society find their sexual release through pharmaceuticals. In turn, she seduces an angel named Pygar (John Phillip Law), and overloads a torture device called the Excessive (or “Ex-sex-sive”) Machine, which kills through sexual pleasure. More–WIKIPEDIA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbarella_ (film) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbarella_ (comics) PHOTO GALLERY—- http://digilander.libero.it/guido_1953/pics/x-jane-fonda/index.htm http://digilander.libero.it/guido_1953/pics/x-jane-fonda/x-jane-fonda-barbarella… added by: remanns