Tag Archives: beached-whale

Mariah Carey: Beached Singer

Sorry in advance if I’m ruining anyone’s appetite here with these pictures of Mariah Carey at the beach. But let’s all just be glad she’s wearing a wetsuit, which means we can focus on that meaty cleavage of hers instead of the fact that she’s kind of reminding me of a beached dolphin or something right now. Actually, maybe you’re right, that’s not fair. I think dolphins are probably a little smaller than this. » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews

See the original post here:
Mariah Carey: Beached Singer

Beached Whale Defies Death From ‘Lethal Injection’

Photo via Globo For the last six days, a 50-foot-long right whale has been stranded on a beach in Brazil, still alive but too weak to return to the sea – and for the last six days, authorities have been puzzled with what to do with it. Teams of biologists and volunteers have worked tirelessly, bucketing water over the 40-ton animal to keep it comfortable, although animal rights activists s… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Beached Whale Defies Death From ‘Lethal Injection’