Tag Archives: beat-cast-mate

Chrissy Gives Kimbella A Beat Down On “Love & Hop Hop” [VIDEO]

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Last night, VH1′s “Love & Hip Hop” premiered the season 2 debut episode where we were able to watch Chrissy beat cast-mate Kimbella literally out of her seat. Emily B., Chrissy, Olivia and Somaya Reece gathered at a hotel suite to celebrate Emily’s independence from rapper, Fabolous. Jim Jones’ manager and Kimbella were in attendance and things got hectic when Kimbella reveled that she had dated Fab, 3 years ago when Emily was pregnant. Watch how things unfold from there. Mama Jones In The Studio Recording Diss To Chrissy & Jim Jones [VIDEO] Kimbella: “Fab Is Such A Non-Factor In My Life”

Chrissy Gives Kimbella A Beat Down On “Love & Hop Hop” [VIDEO]