Tag Archives: because-guys

Chelsea Handler is Naked On Instagram of the Day

It amazes I get flagged when I post half naked babes, in bras and more covered up on instagram, and that 300 year old Chelsea Handler, who despite being a “funny” girl people relate to, who has to be a “funny” girl because she’s sucked so much dick to get to this point in her career. Comedy is what happens when you don’t really have the looks, or sex appeal to warrant your slut to get ahead, but your vagina is enough to get the guys you need to fuck you to fuck you because guys are pigs and they will fuck anything, especially if it makes fun of itself and other people…making it almost entertaining…in it’s comedic sadness that would have possibly been better off killing itself off instead of actual talents… Because Chelsea Handler naked…is offensive, not safe for anywhere and official smut that breaches all terms and conditions… The good news is, I like anyone who gets naked anywhere…any time. Even Chelsea Handler… To celebrate Chelsea Hander, here is the trailer for Wetlands that is going viral because it is based on a story about a girl who cut her asshole shaving and became obsessed with eating her asshole infection… It is german and will make total sense…because this is what German is all about…I would have expected more shit…

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Chelsea Handler is Naked On Instagram of the Day