Tag Archives: becoming-their

Miley Cyrus Naked in Bed of the Day

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Nov 11, 2014 at 1:24am PST I would rather this be the porn parody of Miley Cyrus, Miley Thigh-Rus, with spread legs, making a nude in bed selfie matter, but I’ll accept this from Miley Cyrus, better named Miley Virus, because she’s a cancer on the youth, but I guess that’s why I like her…you see – I like all evil… Here she is pinching her nipples on her birthday

See the article here:
Miley Cyrus Naked in Bed of the Day

Daiana Finizio for Marco Michieletto of the Day

I don’t know who this Daiana Finizio is… I just know that she had her picture taken by Marco Michieletto I don’t know who Marco Michieletto is. I just know he took pictures of Daiana Finizio … Fascinating…

Originally posted here:
Daiana Finizio for Marco Michieletto of the Day

Shia LaBeouf’s One Hour Long Silent Interview of the Day

Shia LaBeouf is interesting. People talk about him, I don’t hate him, especially not after things like this 1 hour long silent interview, that over 200,000 people have watched, because it’s genius, hilarious, and fucking with the system, and I am all for people fucking with the system, becoming their own brand of crazy, instead of conforming and sucking the media’s dick. This is as punk rock as a spoiled rich celebrity can get, so take it in. The world is a weird place…maybe there is still hope for us….even if turning to Shia LaBeouf for hope in and of itself seems like we are doomed…thank god.

Go here to see the original:
Shia LaBeouf’s One Hour Long Silent Interview of the Day