Tag Archives: been-discovered

Why Do the "Other Women" Lawyer Up?

Why is it necessary for mistresses of famous men to hire lawyers after their affairs have been discovered? —Susan, Nashville, via the Answer B!tch inbox Well, you…

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Why Do the "Other Women" Lawyer Up?

Turkish girl buried alive for talking to boys

The body of a 16-year-old girl police say was buried alive by relatives in an “honor” killing carried out as punishment for talking to boys has been discovered in Kahta, Turkey. Turkish police discovered the body after acting on an anonymous tip. The tipster told police that the girl was killed after a family council meeting, and had been buried under a chicken pen

Continued here:
Turkish girl buried alive for talking to boys

Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa

http://www.viewzone.com/adamscalendar.html They have always been there. People noticed them before

See more here:
Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa

Kanye Ruins People’s Moments

[ Kanye steals the scene yet again. 🙁 What other important moments has he inappropriately ruined?

See more here:
Kanye Ruins People’s Moments

Google Fast Flip

Link: http://fastflip.googlelabs.com/ A nifty “what people are reading now” service from Google that lets you scan popular pages in a glance. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Snake With A Foot

A snake with a single clawed foot and talons has been discovered in China, according to reports.

The rest is here:
Snake With A Foot