Tag Archives: been-hosting

Black Noise? Kanye Bans Kimmy Cakes From Letting Their Unborn Seed Listen To Hip-Hop In The Womb

What does this say about how stupid he must feel his own music is? You may already be weary of hearing about the Kimye baby but Kanye is making sure his future child only hears the sweet sounds of classical music while gestating. Via National Enquirer reports : KANYE WEST just laid down this jaw-droppin’ law on baby-momma KIM KARDASHIAN’s womb – he’s declared that until the birth, the KimYe li’l sucker oven MUST be a “no rap zone!” In a serious sit-down, no-nonsense Kanye told his lady love: “NO listening to rap music while you’re pregnant with my child!” Said a close Kanye associate: “He blew us away when he told us he’d ordered Kim to listen to nothing but classical music during her pregnancy. He said he plans to give that baby every advantage in the world, and see that it’s educated in the finest schools. The way he put it was, ‘My kid’s gonna go Ivy – and its education is going to start NOW, before it’s even born!’ And Kanye says Kim’s down with that.” Look, everyone only wants the best for their kid, but this seems like something that will be nearly impossible to control, given that Kim has still been hosting parties and hitting up events that we’re doubtful will be down for Bach only playlists. Do you even believe this? WENN

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Black Noise? Kanye Bans Kimmy Cakes From Letting Their Unborn Seed Listen To Hip-Hop In The Womb