Tag Archives: been-slacking

Islam Teaches us How To Beat Your Wife of the DAy

I am the first to admit I’ve been slacking today. It’s noon and this is my first post of the day, but I have a good reason….I was learning from worldly religions what the holy way to beat my wife is….because up until this point I was just doing it cuz I hated the bitch…but I knew there was I higher purpose, I was just lost and now I am found, enlightened and I hope you are too…. So now I know what Allah wants me to do when my pussy says no to sex and really for whenever she gets out of line and I know not to break bones or hit her in the face and I am a better person for it. I may not be Muslim, but with rules like this, it’s pretty tempting. It just seems so current and with the times you know, all those laws that give women rights is so backwards…and dated…these dudes really get what its about….. That said….this is insane. I can’t believe this in on TV. Who the fuck are these people and if they get their own religion, can I get one that involves all night drunken sex parties and legal prostitution? It’s crazy. They say French is the language of love, but by the sounds of this, I’d say arab is a close second…it’s just so romantic sounding…like a bitch getting throat fucked….

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Islam Teaches us How To Beat Your Wife of the DAy