Tag Archives: been-the-deputy

Obama cheating scandal

I am feeling a line over Michelle Obama’s forehead whether this cheating scandal is true or false. You know women can make a mountain of a mole and our First Lady is after all a lady first. The lady Vera Baker is considered the major fundraiser and is the president and CEO of Baker Wanbu Associates. She has been the Deputy Political Director at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Baker’s organization was the top fundraising firm during the 2004 elections. Le Matin, a Swiss news pape

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Obama cheating scandal

Obama cheating scandal affair

I am feeling a line over Michelle Obama’s forehead whether this cheating scandal is true or false. You know women can make a mountain of a mole and our First Lady is after all a lady first. The lady Vera Baker is considered the major fundraiser and is the president and CEO of Baker Wanbu Associates. She has been the Deputy Political Director at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Baker’s organization was the top fundraising firm during the 2004 elections. Le Matin, a Swiss news pape

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Obama cheating scandal affair