Tag Archives: been-the-real

TSA Agent Gets to Third Base With Cheryl Burke

Dancing with the Stars pro Cheryl Burke is used to getting up close and personal with strangers (Chad Ochocinco, Rick Fox, Tom DeLay), but nothing like this. Burke just Tweeted (and later deleted) a description of her run-in with a TSA agent at the airport. This is a viral shout-out worthy of Tweet of the Week status. We’ve all been there, right ladies? Guys? Anyone?

See the rest here:
TSA Agent Gets to Third Base With Cheryl Burke

Madison Garton on Peacing Out of The Bachelor: I’m No Emily Maynard!

Monday night, 25-year-old Madison Garton, a.k.a. Fang Girl, chose to abruptly leave The Bachelor in the middle of the rose ceremony. That was a first. What prompted the aspiring actress to pack her bags? Emily Maynard. Emily’s decision to reveal her tragic past to Womack – a past that made Madison cry hearing the story earlier – led Garton to feel she was out of place. Madison Garton told Brad Womack it was too late for them . Fang Girl basically concluded she had no shot, had not been herself, and it was her own fault, so she bailed, explaining the surprise exist later as such: “Hearing Emily’s story, it became very real. A lot of girls here already have their heart on the line and anything I do now would be taking away from them.” “It could have been very different if I showed my cards and been the real me. There’s a chance I’ll wake up tomorrow and wonder what the heck I just did.” A shell-shocked Womack supported her decision to go. “Take it from me, if you continue to let guards prevent you from falling for someone or just being yourself, you’re not going to get anywhere,” he said. “[Madison] can’t let go of my relationship with Emily, as opposed to just focusing on our relationship. I think I’m missing out on a hell of a girl.” For a further explanation of why she left, and what makes Emily Maynard so profound, Here’s Emily’s date with Brad, in which she reveals it: Emily Maynard Opens Up to Brad

Read the rest here:
Madison Garton on Peacing Out of The Bachelor: I’m No Emily Maynard!

Katie & Suri Are Playful On Set

During a break in the filming of her new movie, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark , actress Katie Holmes took some time to play with her daughter Suri Cruise. Now 3-years-old, Suri was doing her best to outrun her mom in a pair of polka-dot wellies.

Katy Perry Shows Off Her ‘Josh Grobin’ Tattoo

Say it ain’t so! Well, it ain’t.