Tag Archives: been-threated

Keeley Hazell in FHM UK July 2012 of the Day

I haven’t done a post on KEELEY HAZELL since 2009….Apparently she had a SEX TAPE but I can’t be bothered to look for it, you have google, do it yourself pervert, I’m not your employee, you’re not the boss of me, but if you were Keeley Hazell you probably could be, I am a weak man when it comes to busty topless sluts…..even if they are Glamour Models….something I kinda hate, eve though I really shouldn’t, I mean busty stripper bitches posing, seems pretty solid to me….

See the rest here:
Keeley Hazell in FHM UK July 2012 of the Day

Loris Kraemerh Naked and Hot for Fashion of the Day

Loris Kraemerh is a Brazilian model doing it right by getting naked for fashion and not even the kind of high end fashion you’d expect a bitch to get naked for, you know one of those game changer, career altering shoo that propels her into the mainstream of fashion…..this bitch gets naked for some obscure photoshoot showcasing her great ass and titties, that isn’t even for a fucking magazine or brand, but maybe for her portfolio, or the photographer’s portfolio, that she probably didn’t even get paid to do….my kind of fucking girl…naked in pictures for no real reason…..other than that she can…and looks good doing it.

More here:
Loris Kraemerh Naked and Hot for Fashion of the Day

Irina Shayk GQ Germany July 2012 of the Day

Irina Shayk is fantastic. If all girls looked likee Irina Shayk, I’d probably be less impressed with how good she is, because I’d be too busy trying to fuck every fucking girl I saw, or more likely, trying to control my boners everywhere I went…along with every fucking dude, cuz she is amazing and she probably knows it, that’s why she’s fucking top Soccer players who are likely gay, you know cuz it give her visibility she deserves, even if Kate Upton’s fat ass is trying to cast a fat shadow on her Russia greatness, I mean assuming you think Russians are greatness, because you haven’t been threated by Russians in the mob for no reason other than that they are crazy, so you can appreciate her cold as ice spy accent and not shit yourself when you hear it….Not that I’m speaking for experience or anything….

See the rest here:
Irina Shayk GQ Germany July 2012 of the Day