Tag Archives: before-balling

Halle Berry Grocery Shopping Milf Porn of the Day

At first I thought she was buying watermelon, and I was like what a fucking racist, in her hustle to make people think she’s black, she’s pullign out the stereotype, you know like next stop the fried chicken joint, before spending a night on the stoop rapping in the projects, before balling out at the club poppin bottles for white chicks, kinda thing. But then I realized she was shopping at Whole Foods and there’s nothing whiter than that….At least she’s keeping it real in tight denim shorts…. A little known fact about me is that I love the grocery store for scoping out pussy…sure I like scoping out pussy everywhere, but just seeing the foods a bitch buys tells you so much about how lonely she is, and how desperately she needs to get fucked….and even what her shit will smell like when you fuck her up the ass…It’s a great place for erotica….it’s the simple things in life…best things in life are free….kinda thing… Here’s Halle Berry trying to live up to my expectations…

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Halle Berry Grocery Shopping Milf Porn of the Day