Tag Archives: being-perfect

Reporter Upskirt Blooper is Amazing of the Day

This made me laugh and I never laugh. Partially because I don’t find anything funny, I’m a bitter, cynical, joke snob… but more importantly people who laugh looked like fucking retards…. But seeing some reporter, who spent years getting herself on TV, caught with her skirt up, and blaming technical difficulities, is just my kind of humor….laughing at people for fucking up when they’ve spent so much energy being perfect and who I know act like celebrities when out for drinks after work…cuz bitch is on TV…is serious fucking jokes.

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Reporter Upskirt Blooper is Amazing of the Day

Ok, Get Your Kids: Manners Your Child Should Know

Remember when children knew better than to interrupt adult conversations or dare respond to a summons with “What!?” What ever happened to home-training? By the looks of some of today’s children, it would appear the term has become obsolete. Black, white, yellow, brown—it seems parents of all races have embraced a laissez-faire approach to child rearing. The Mama Hatties of the earth are probably rolling in their graves at the eye rolling and tantrum throwing of millennial kids. There are basic manners every child should know, not for the sake of being perfect but for the sake of being a respectful, considerate human. It is important to build on a solid foundation with young children and correct older kids as soon as possible. Have you been slacking on home-training? Is Little Miss Sassy on the brink of entitled and disrespectful? Here is a list of manners every child should know

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Ok, Get Your Kids: Manners Your Child Should Know

Hayden Panettiere Has Flaws Just Like Us

Heroes actress Hayden Panettiere has said she ‘never pretends to be perfect’.

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Hayden Panettiere Has Flaws Just Like Us