Tag Archives: between-beauty


The push by global elitists to control the world’s food supply is collecting dangerous and globalist bed buddies. Monsanto, the globalist Agribusiness giant has now bought Blackwater, a huge, well funded and controversial, mercenary group. Blackwater has recently changed its name to Xe to help alleviate some of the heat it has received over the years. You may recall their major mess up in Iraq back on Sept. 16, 2007, when Blackwater contractors were reported to have shot and killed 17 civilians in a crowded area in Baghdad. Food manipulation with gun control. Isn’t that pretty? Blackwater was founded by Erik Prince, a former Navy seal who inherited a huge fortune and started to grow his well funded, mercenary company for hire largely made up of law enforcement who were contracted for large money as security in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, Monsanto who does research world wide into altering crops and seeds, now has mercenary, armed and dangerous protection that can kill. One of the many ‘food controlling’ efforts Monsanto is involved with is the creation of what is called a ‘terminator’ seed. This is where they plant genetically modified crops that will not produce seeds to grow other plants and food. This would force all farmers to contact Monsanto or other globally controlled ‘seed controllers’ to grow more crops.read more at link http://beforeitsnews.com/story/309/180/GLOBAL_ELITES_PUSH_TO_STARVE_THE_WORLD_AN… added by: fishermanny

Looking at – " The Tempest "

Julie Taymor’s The Tempest Is Your New Late-Night Drunken Pizza Orgy Movie By Charlie Jane Anders, io9 Shakespeare’s magic thrives in darkness. Many of his most memorable, transformative plays include unfathomable horrors. And The Tempest, perhaps his most overtly magical play, must beguile us but also confront us with madness. Julie Taymor’s version doesn’t quite get there. I loved Taymor’s movie of Titus Andronicus — called simply Titus — because she managed to find the beauty in the absolute degradation and raw nastiness of one of Shakespeare’s seldom-staged plays. (I have a whole theory about why Titus Andronicus is an underrated Shakespearean masterpiece, which I’ll spare you.) Titus was one of my all-time favorite movie adaptations of a Shakespeare play, which left me with high hopes for Taymor’s Tempest. And when I saw that Helen “god of acting” Mirren was playing a female version of Prospero, Prospera, the excitement was doubled. Sadly, Taymor’s Tempest didn’t really work for me, for all the same reasons that I loved her Titus. I think it’s the balance between beauty and horror — filming Titus is all about finding the little flashes of nobility and loveliness in the midst of an incredibly brutal story about mutilation and rape. Filming The Tempest would have to be sort of the reverse — find the darkness in between all of the pretty speeches and fancy magic. In particular, Prospero/Prospera has to be one evil motherfucker, the sorcerer and aristocrat who’s been banished from her home and stuck on an island for years. And Taymor gets seduced by all the prettiness and goes all-out with the gorgeous imagery and swoony loveliness — in a sense, she falls under Prospera’s spell. continued at LINK – – – http://www.wired.com/underwire/2010/12/the-tempest-review/?pid=2241&viewall=… added by: remanns