Tag Archives: back-on-sept

Snitching? Man Who Shot-Up Lil Wayne’s Tour Bus Says Birdman Is To Blame

Man Who Tried To Shoot Lil Wayne Blames Birdman Even though Birdman swears he had nothing to do with the attempt to kill his “son” Lil Wayne , the man who actually wielded the gun that could have ended Wayne’s life is singing a slightly different tune… Via TMZ : The man charged with shooting up Lil Wayne’s tour bus has blown the whistle on Birdman … saying he should be behind bars too. Jimmy Winfrey claims in new court docs he shouldn’t be singled out for the crime, when “[Birdman’s] financial dispute with [Lil Wayne] is what ultimately led to the shooting.” So, Winfrey argues, “[Birdman] should be held liable as a party to the crime.” He’s not specifically saying Birdman ordered the hit, but essentially that’s what he’s saying. As TMZ first reported, Wayne’s tour bus was shot up back in April as he was leaving a club gig in Atlanta. Birdman denies any involvement. Uh-oh. Doesn’t this guy know what happens to snitches?

Snitching? Man Who Shot-Up Lil Wayne’s Tour Bus Says Birdman Is To Blame

Is Jamal The New Lucious? Peep The Extended Trailer For Empire Season [Video]

Empire is back on Sept 23. Will you be watching??? YouTube / FOX

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Is Jamal The New Lucious? Peep The Extended Trailer For Empire Season [Video]


The push by global elitists to control the world’s food supply is collecting dangerous and globalist bed buddies. Monsanto, the globalist Agribusiness giant has now bought Blackwater, a huge, well funded and controversial, mercenary group. Blackwater has recently changed its name to Xe to help alleviate some of the heat it has received over the years. You may recall their major mess up in Iraq back on Sept. 16, 2007, when Blackwater contractors were reported to have shot and killed 17 civilians in a crowded area in Baghdad. Food manipulation with gun control. Isn’t that pretty? Blackwater was founded by Erik Prince, a former Navy seal who inherited a huge fortune and started to grow his well funded, mercenary company for hire largely made up of law enforcement who were contracted for large money as security in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, Monsanto who does research world wide into altering crops and seeds, now has mercenary, armed and dangerous protection that can kill. One of the many ‘food controlling’ efforts Monsanto is involved with is the creation of what is called a ‘terminator’ seed. This is where they plant genetically modified crops that will not produce seeds to grow other plants and food. This would force all farmers to contact Monsanto or other globally controlled ‘seed controllers’ to grow more crops.read more at link http://beforeitsnews.com/story/309/180/GLOBAL_ELITES_PUSH_TO_STARVE_THE_WORLD_AN… added by: fishermanny