Tag Archives: between-false

A Brief History of Your New Wonder Woman, Adrianne Palicki

27-year-old actress Adrianne Palicki is your new Wonder Woman/Diana Prince/Diana Themyscira — but who is Adrianne Palicki? The statuesque Ohio native has been a presence in TV of late, though even her most critically acclaimed shows ( Friday Night Lights, Lone Star ) tend to run into bad luck sooner or later. And curiously, she’s already had more than her fair share of brushes with fantasy/superhero franchises. ( Aquaman , anyone?) Take a look at the brief history of Adrianne Palicki’s acting career thus far and decide if you think she’s fit to fill out Lynda Carter’s pantyhose.

Original post:
A Brief History of Your New Wonder Woman, Adrianne Palicki

Great Day For Movie Lovers: Martin Scorsese and 5 Other Singular Directors Announce New Projects

Somewhere in between false rumors about an Olivia Wilde Tomb Raider reboot and hopefully untrue speculation about another Terminator sequel , six interesting directors including Martin Scorsese, Richard Kelly and Kimberly Pierce announced new projects today. Thanks, movie-news Gods! Granted, not all of these projects will necessarily turn out well (or even at all), but if past work is any indication, the ones that crash and burn will at least do so in a unique, fascinating and hopefully spectacular fashion (Looking at you, Kelly…). Click through for a rundown and place bets on your favorites.

Originally posted here:
Great Day For Movie Lovers: Martin Scorsese and 5 Other Singular Directors Announce New Projects