Tag Archives: between-lung

Up In Smoke: New Study Claims Black People Living In Racially Segregated Areas Are More Likely To Die From Lung Cancer

All black everything is bad news for your lungs according to a new study… New Study Shows Connection Between Lung Cancer And Racial Segregation A new study focusing on health and health care statistics has found that lung cancer is significantly more prominent in African-Americans living in racially segregated areas of the country.  Other similar studies have found that the cause behind this growing epidemic in black communities may be the lack of access to health care. via Think Progress African-Americans living in highly segregated counties are at significantly elevated risk of dying from lung cancer, according to the results from a new study. According to New York Times reports, a study published in JAMA Surgery finds that black Americans in highly segregated areas are 20 percent more likely to die from the disease compared to those who live in the least segregated regions. While the JAMA report doesn’t delve into the causes behind the mortality rate disparity, other studies on American segregation have found that, in highly segregated locales, a larger minority population corresponded with significantly less access to surgical and emergency medical care. That data alone is not conclusive, but it does suggest that stratified access to health care remains an enormous hindrance to public health — particularly for people of color. Access to sufficient health care resources is vital for treating and preventing disease in any community, so this needs to change ASAP.   Do you notice a higher rate of lung cancer in your community relative to those outside of where you live? Image via Shutterstock

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Up In Smoke: New Study Claims Black People Living In Racially Segregated Areas Are More Likely To Die From Lung Cancer