Tag Archives: study-published

Mars’ Largest Moon Will Someday Put A Ring On It

Mars’ moon Phobos may crash into the planet or be torn into millions of pieces, according to a study published Monday (Nov. 23) in the journal Nature Geoscience.

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Mars’ Largest Moon Will Someday Put A Ring On It

Up In Smoke: New Study Claims Black People Living In Racially Segregated Areas Are More Likely To Die From Lung Cancer

All black everything is bad news for your lungs according to a new study… New Study Shows Connection Between Lung Cancer And Racial Segregation A new study focusing on health and health care statistics has found that lung cancer is significantly more prominent in African-Americans living in racially segregated areas of the country.  Other similar studies have found that the cause behind this growing epidemic in black communities may be the lack of access to health care. via Think Progress African-Americans living in highly segregated counties are at significantly elevated risk of dying from lung cancer, according to the results from a new study. According to New York Times reports, a study published in JAMA Surgery finds that black Americans in highly segregated areas are 20 percent more likely to die from the disease compared to those who live in the least segregated regions. While the JAMA report doesn’t delve into the causes behind the mortality rate disparity, other studies on American segregation have found that, in highly segregated locales, a larger minority population corresponded with significantly less access to surgical and emergency medical care. That data alone is not conclusive, but it does suggest that stratified access to health care remains an enormous hindrance to public health — particularly for people of color. Access to sufficient health care resources is vital for treating and preventing disease in any community, so this needs to change ASAP.   Do you notice a higher rate of lung cancer in your community relative to those outside of where you live? Image via Shutterstock

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Up In Smoke: New Study Claims Black People Living In Racially Segregated Areas Are More Likely To Die From Lung Cancer

Rare Brain Disorder Prevents All Fear

A middle-aged woman known as SM blithely reaches for poisonous snakes, giggles in haunted houses and once, upon escaping the clutches of a knife-wielding man, didn’t run but calmly walked away. A rare kind of brain damage precludes her from experiencing fear of any sort, finds a study published online December 16 in Current Biology. link: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/12/fear-brain-amygdala/ added by: eva2

In Utero Pesticide Exposure Increases Risk of ADHD

Photo via fruitforourchildren.com In May 2010, TreeHugger reported on the research linking pesticide exposure and ADHD in children. A study published recently in Environmental Health Perspectives by U.C. Berkeley School of Public Health researchers found that exposure of children to organophosphates while in utero may result in increased likelihood that the child will have ADHD. While the study does not prove that there is a causal link between pesticides and ADHD, it is not a stretch to think that organophosphates that attack the nervous systems of insects could also interfere… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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In Utero Pesticide Exposure Increases Risk of ADHD

Sleep and Dreams Boost Learning

“Scientists have long wondered why we sleep and why we dream. A new study provides evidence for some long-held notions that sleep and dreams boost learning and help us to make sense of the real world. Even naps can help, the researchers found. Test subjects who dreamt about a challenging task performed it better than those who didn't have such dreams. This newfound link between dreaming and learning gives insight into why humans bother to sleep at all. The study is thought to be the first to show “the relationship between dreaming and function in the outside world,” said senior researcher Robert While dreams have always mystified mankind, scientists have been equally curious about sleep. “It is dangerous to go to sleep,” Stickgold said, evolutionarily speaking. Unconscious beings lying flat on their backs are especially prone to attack, he pointed out. So why have we evolved to spend a third of our lives sleeping? Previous research has shown that sleep benefits the immune and endocrine systems, but it hasn't been clear that sleep per se is necessary. Resting quietly may be enough to meet these needs, Stickgold told LiveScience. Sleep, however, might affect the brain in a way that no other state can equal, suggests the study published in the most recent issue of the journal Current Biology. The effect is likely critical for learning and making sense of life — skills worth sleeping for, scientists think.” http://www.livescience.com/health/naps-dreams-boost-learning-100422.html added by: DeliaTheArtist

Notorious ‘Wife Swap’ Brat Sues ABC for $100 Million

Link: http://www.popeater.com/2010/03/23/al… Alicia Guastaferro claims she has received death threats and harbors suicidal tendencies since the show, in which she offered, “I do feel sorry for people that are not gorgeous people.” Check out the video at Popeater. [Editor's Note: This Wife Swap episode was amaaaaazing.] Read

Jesus Makes You Fat

FOOD BUZZ : A Dr. Oz-like analysis of 52 paintings depicting the Last Supper finds that Jesus' portion control is severely lacking. As in, his plate has grown 62% in the last thousand years. Memo to JC: it takes your stomach 20 minutes to realize it's full. Eat slowly, and stop eating when you're full. Pretty sure I read all that in Acts. The Best Links: A breakdown of 4 paintings. A video lecture! Using computer aided design technology, the brothers compared the size of the portions, bread and plates with the average size of the heads in 52 paintings. Entrees increased 69 percent in size during the 1,000 years, plate size 66 percent and bread size 23 percent, the Wansinks reported in a study published in the April edition of The International Journal of Obesity. “I think people assume that increased serving sizes, or ‘portion distortion,’ is a recent phenomenon,” said Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab and author of “Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think.” “But this research indicates that it’s a general trend for at least the last millennium.” But maybe it’s worth entertaining another hypothesis: that the images we see—and the Last Supper is one of the more ubiquitous art images in the Western world—subliminally affect our notion of what’s a portion size. the Mindless Eating site The International Journal of Obesity, where the article cannot be found. Read

How the big freeze fits theories of global warming

David Shukman reports on how one of the longest cold snaps for a generation, fits in with theories of a warming planet and global climate change. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8447262.stm added by: julesrs007 2 comments

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How the big freeze fits theories of global warming

Soda fountains contained fecal bacteria, study found

It fizzes. It quenches

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Soda fountains contained fecal bacteria, study found

Why Doesn’t Exercise Lead To Weight Loss?

The New York Times' Well blog reports that 'for some time, researchers have been finding that people who exercise don't necessarily lose weight.' A study published online in September 2009 in The British Journal of Sports Medicine was the latest to report apparently disappointing slimming results. In the study, 58 obese people completed 12 weeks of supervised aerobic training without changing their diets.

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Why Doesn’t Exercise Lead To Weight Loss?