Tag Archives: environmental

Hayden Panettiere’s Weird See Through Attempt of the Day

Hollywood Troll Hayden Panettiere who climbed out of one of the canyons, that I guess was her soap star mom’s vagina, and has leveraged at least some of the men her mom banged to establish a career of her own, unless of course she’s a natural talent, who thanks to her situation didn’t have to climb the ranks of the the circus she was destined to be part of, you know from cleaning up elephant shit to one day putting on that clown nose to juggle in, but rather straight to the one movie or TV show that she’s done to generate all this buzz… Not that her backstory or why she is here really matters, what matters is that she’s adapting to her breast implants nicely, slowly learning how to wear see through shirts with them, like all the other girls with breast implants, only no one has told her that the whole point of breast implants is to lose the fucking bra….but at least she’s trying…this is new to her…give a chance to shine…bright…like a diamond – rihanna….why did I just do that… Either way, Nice shoulders Hayden.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Hayden Panettiere’s Weird See Through Attempt of the Day

For Discussion: Rev. Al Sharpton Depicted As Lynching Tree In Racist Cartoon…Do You Think The Cartoon Goes Too Far?

This is crazy. Rev. Al Sharpton Depicted As Lynching Tree In Cartoon Wow, taking the black man who has a history of lynching in this country and turning him into the lynching tree… that doesn’t get more racist. According to Raw Story Conservative political cartoonist Michael Ramírez depicted MSNBC host and longtime civil activist Rev. Al Sharpton as a tree used for lynching in a piece posted online Friday by Investors Business Daily. The cartoon, sponsored by online investment site eTrade, shows a tree bearing Sharpton’s name hanging four hooded figures with the word “Truth” written on their backs, representing various high-profile criminal cases, including the Tawana Brawley sexual assault case, which was dismissed after a grand jury investigation declared Brawley’s allegations to be a hoax. At the time, Sharpton acted as an advisor for Brawley. The last figure on the tree bears the name “Zimmerman,” a reference to George Zimmerman, who was acquitted on second-degree murder charges for his role in the death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin. The Sharpton piece was published three days after Ramírez used lynching in another cartoon, involving Zimmerman, giving that name to a horse under a man labeled as “White (hispanic)” tied to a noose. Ramírez also recently depicted President Barack Obama as using the Environmental Protection Agency to douse the torch on the Statue of Liberty, and shown Obama being urinated on by a dog symbollizing Russia as another character asks, “Do you think animals can sense weakness?” Phone and email messages to eTrade asking whether the company was aware of the content of Ramírez’s piece were not returned before publication. A screenshot of the cartoon can be seen below. We would be here all day if we named everything the black man has been lynched by in this country: The KKK, racial profiling, lack of economic equality, and the list goes on…

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For Discussion: Rev. Al Sharpton Depicted As Lynching Tree In Racist Cartoon…Do You Think The Cartoon Goes Too Far?

Bloomberg: Want to Criticize Our Environmental Efforts? Take a Number


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Mayor Michael Bloomberg (Photo: Getty) Ulster County Executive Mike Hein wrote a scathing letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday, accusing New York City’s Department of Environmental Conservation of acting like an “occupying nation” while in Ulster County. But today during a press conference, Mayor Bloomberg casually dismissed Mr. Hein’s complaints. “I thought I’d give him Newt Gingrich’s phone… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Politicker Discovery Date : 03/01/2012 22:47 Number of articles : 2

Bloomberg: Want to Criticize Our Environmental Efforts? Take a Number

Affirmation: I Make Conscious, Appropriate And Wise Decisions

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Affirmation For Today : I Make Conscious, Appropriate, And Wise Decisions An affirmation is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking.  Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, a positive affirmation will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.  The object of these positive thinking exercises is to ensure that you train the most powerful muscle in your body: your brain. Here is your affirmation for today which can help keep your day in alignment with your desire to make conscious, appropriate and wise decisions. Affirmation For Today : I Make Conscious, Appropriate, And Wise Decisions Write the affirmation down and / or program an alert in your phone /computer to repeat throughout the day for inspiration to your brain. Affirmation For Today : I Make Conscious, Appropriate, And Wise Decisions Minute Meditation: Prayer For Wisdom Affirmation For Today : I Make Conscious, Appropriate, And Wise Decisions Earth Day 2011: Environmental Justice For Black Communities Affirmation For Today : I Make Conscious, Appropriate, And Wise Decisions 6 Tips For Living In The Moment Sending positive vibes to Elev8 – Robin Downes Related articles: Tina Turner’s  Inspirational Quotes A Message For Men: Don’t Think About Hitting It And Quitting It

Affirmation: I Make Conscious, Appropriate And Wise Decisions

Hannity Grills Actress Daryl Hannah After Her Arrest Outside White House


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Actress Daryl Hannah is arrested by U.S. Park Police in front of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011, during a protest against the Keystone oil pipeline. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

WASHINGTON (AP) — American actress Daryl Hannah has been arrested in front of the White House along with other environmental… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 31/08/2011 08:47 Number of articles : 2

Hannity Grills Actress Daryl Hannah After Her Arrest Outside White House

Method Man, U-God and Masta Killa freestyle on Tim Westwood’s show, Plus New Music From Wu-Tang


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This isn’t my favorite wu-cipher but seeing this just feels good. Our man Tim Westwood had Method Man, U-God and Masta Killa on his radio show the other day and in old school fashion, the three clansmen spit over some random beats. How often do you actually see Masta Killa’s face? And do you think Mef Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : MissInfo.tv Discovery Date : 16/06/2011 00:44 Number of articles : 2

Method Man, U-God and Masta Killa freestyle on Tim Westwood’s show, Plus New Music From Wu-Tang

Ask a Libertarian: What’s the libertarian approach to global warming & other environmental issues?


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Welcome to Ask a Libertarian with Reason’s Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch. They are the authors of the new book The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What’s Wrong With America. Go to http://declaration2011.com to purchase, read reviews, find event dates, and more. On June 15, 2011 Gillespie and Welch used short, rapid-fire videos to answer dozens of reader questions submitted… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Reason Magazine – Hit & Run Discovery Date : 16/06/2011 00:47 Number of articles : 2

Ask a Libertarian: What’s the libertarian approach to global warming & other environmental issues?

Earth Day 2011: “Say It Loud, I’m Black, Green And Proud!” April 22.

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What will you do to help the environment?  Are you doing anything now, to create a better world for future generations? “Say it loud, I’m black, green and proud!” – Majora Carter, founder of Sustainable South Bronx, on Greening The Ghetto. The first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. The passage of the landmark Clean Air Act , Clean Water Act , Endangered Species Act and many other groundbreaking environmental laws soon followed. Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network (EDN) works with over 22,000 partners in 192 countries to broaden, diversify and mobilize the environmental movement. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. Check out this this video featuring Majora Carter, founder of Sustainable South Bronx, on Green The Ghetto. Please leave your comments below to let the Elev8 community know what will you do to help the environment?  Are you doing anything now, to create a better world for future generations? Sending positive vibes to Elev8 – Robin Downes Related Articles: World Water Day: The Importance Of Freshwater The Spirit Of Earth Day Water, Consciousness And Intent

Earth Day 2011: “Say It Loud, I’m Black, Green And Proud!” April 22.

Behold! Classic Gaming Deaths Set to 8-Bit “Mad World”


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Remember the arcade? …no? It used to be a place where you would hang out and play games for a quarter a pop. This video will likely appeal to you older gamers out there. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : gearfuse Discovery Date : 25/03/2011 21:29 Number of articles : 2

Behold! Classic Gaming Deaths Set to 8-Bit “Mad World”

Save the EPA. Save our kids.


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Finally, a TV ad that spells out, simply and powerfully, what is at stake if the pro-pollution side is able to gut the Environmental Protection Agency and Clean Air Act — our children’s health: Rhetorically, it’s hard to go wrong with an extended metaphor (see “How Lincoln framed his picture-perfect Gettysburg Address: Extended metaphor“). The WashPost’s Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Climate Progress Discovery Date : 25/03/2011 23:28 Number of articles : 2

Save the EPA. Save our kids.