This is crazy. Rev. Al Sharpton Depicted As Lynching Tree In Cartoon Wow, taking the black man who has a history of lynching in this country and turning him into the lynching tree… that doesn’t get more racist. According to Raw Story Conservative political cartoonist Michael Ramírez depicted MSNBC host and longtime civil activist Rev. Al Sharpton as a tree used for lynching in a piece posted online Friday by Investors Business Daily. The cartoon, sponsored by online investment site eTrade, shows a tree bearing Sharpton’s name hanging four hooded figures with the word “Truth” written on their backs, representing various high-profile criminal cases, including the Tawana Brawley sexual assault case, which was dismissed after a grand jury investigation declared Brawley’s allegations to be a hoax. At the time, Sharpton acted as an advisor for Brawley. The last figure on the tree bears the name “Zimmerman,” a reference to George Zimmerman, who was acquitted on second-degree murder charges for his role in the death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin. The Sharpton piece was published three days after Ramírez used lynching in another cartoon, involving Zimmerman, giving that name to a horse under a man labeled as “White (hispanic)” tied to a noose. Ramírez also recently depicted President Barack Obama as using the Environmental Protection Agency to douse the torch on the Statue of Liberty, and shown Obama being urinated on by a dog symbollizing Russia as another character asks, “Do you think animals can sense weakness?” Phone and email messages to eTrade asking whether the company was aware of the content of Ramírez’s piece were not returned before publication. A screenshot of the cartoon can be seen below. We would be here all day if we named everything the black man has been lynched by in this country: The KKK, racial profiling, lack of economic equality, and the list goes on…
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For Discussion: Rev. Al Sharpton Depicted As Lynching Tree In Racist Cartoon…Do You Think The Cartoon Goes Too Far?