Tag Archives: between-the-lines

Cute Kitten Watching Cute Kittens

The other day a BuzzFeed community member sent me a rather scathing e-mail asking me to be nicer to Jack . Ruffling feathers is just about the last thing I want to do! I heart Jack almost as much as he hearts cheating … I mean… cats.

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Cute Kitten Watching Cute Kittens

Maru The Employee

Is there such thing as too much Maru ? Should we be worried about how Maru may be affecting our daily lives? Here is one such tale of an innocent cubicle working gentleman who may have been exposed to “Too Much Maru.” (P.S.

Maru The Employee

What Teabagger Signs Say Vs. What They Mean

For those who have a hard time reading between the lines, here's a list of what Teabagger signs say followed by what they really mean. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Us Weekly Fashion Cop Dan Brickley Just Took a Swing at You …

How fat did K – Fed get? Who remembers what he used to look like? I mean, he’s gotta be 300 lbs

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Us Weekly Fashion Cop Dan Brickley Just Took a Swing at You …

Britney puts "fat housewife" K-Fed on a diet – Your daily fix of …

K – Fed claims he is cutting back on the junk food… Hello anyone ever heard of cholesterol!!! Read between the lines before sparking a weight wars! He looks healthy and within the normal weight range

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Britney puts "fat housewife" K-Fed on a diet – Your daily fix of …