Tag Archives: beyonce-builds

Beyonce’s Lemonade Promo Took Over Times Square And It Was Magical

Beyonce Builds Even More Suspense With ‘Lemonade’ Takeover In Times Square In case you’ve never been to Times Square in New York , it’s a filthy yet magical place full of frustrated, rushing New Yorkers, pushing their way through tourists, scalpers, international shoppers and mixtape pushers. Needless to say, Times Square is the place millions of tourists visit to experience the “city that never sleeps” vibe they’ve always dreamed of. Due to the extreme amount of foot traffic, Times Square just so happens to be an enormous – and very expensive – advertisement space full of billboards and video screens. As if the Queen Bey didn’t have us hanging on the edge of our seats already… she’s did it again when she took over the city last night with a magical reminder about her Lemonade video premiering on HBO tonight at 9pm. Tourists gathered in the square to watch and snap Queen Bey’s takeover!  

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Beyonce’s Lemonade Promo Took Over Times Square And It Was Magical