Tag Archives: tonight-at-9pm

Mama June Talks About Horrific C-Section Mishap On ‘Botched’

Tonight's episode of Botched on E! will be particularly….special, not just because Mama June is the guest star . The Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star wants Dr. Nassif and Dr. Dubrow to fix whatever back country doctors did to her back when she had Alana AKA Honey Boo Boo. We think June wants a tummy tuck.  June explained (or tried to explain) what exactly had happened, adding that she had a C-section for each of her four children. First, she recalled that the doctor had told her that she wasn't getting a tummy tuck after her C-section, because child birth makes the uterus expand, and this is not the most opportune time to be pulling muscles to create flat abs. Actually, Dr. Dubrow had to explain this.  Who knows what the original doctor had recommended. It gets better. June has one incision from her four C-sections, but when Alana was being delivered, the doctor cut in a little too far and got her head. The Botched doctors were, of course, horrified, and I've decided not to eat dinner. To be sure he heard the woman right, Dr. Dubrow repeated the story back to her. “You're saying when he did the C-section he got so deep it actually cut into Honey Boo Boo's forehead?” he asked. Correct, confirmed June. “In all my life I've never heard of a C-section where a scalpel goes too deep and actually slices into the baby's forehead or even touches a baby,” Dr. Nassif said. “How does that happen? What type of doctor did this?!” Last week, June showed off her weight loss to fans.  How she got there will be revealed tonight. It takes a lot of work to change one's lifestyle and trim down, so props to the TLC star. Watch Botched tonight at 9pm on E! to see what happens.

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Mama June Talks About Horrific C-Section Mishap On ‘Botched’

Beyonce’s Lemonade Promo Took Over Times Square And It Was Magical

Beyonce Builds Even More Suspense With ‘Lemonade’ Takeover In Times Square In case you’ve never been to Times Square in New York , it’s a filthy yet magical place full of frustrated, rushing New Yorkers, pushing their way through tourists, scalpers, international shoppers and mixtape pushers. Needless to say, Times Square is the place millions of tourists visit to experience the “city that never sleeps” vibe they’ve always dreamed of. Due to the extreme amount of foot traffic, Times Square just so happens to be an enormous – and very expensive – advertisement space full of billboards and video screens. As if the Queen Bey didn’t have us hanging on the edge of our seats already… she’s did it again when she took over the city last night with a magical reminder about her Lemonade video premiering on HBO tonight at 9pm. Tourists gathered in the square to watch and snap Queen Bey’s takeover!  

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Beyonce’s Lemonade Promo Took Over Times Square And It Was Magical

“Lost” is Coming to an End

Lost an American live-action television series which started from a plot of plane crash survivors on a mysterious tropical island, after a commercial passenger crashes somewhere in the South Pacific after flying between Sydney and Los Angeles. The finale of the series premieres tonight at 9PM with a two-hour look back at the making of “Lost” at 7p.m EST on ABC. Fans of this TV Series will have a discussion, parties, Lost-A-Thon to mark end of the series. “Lost” is Coming to an End is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

After "Oxycontin": Gays in Uganda, African Soccer and a South Dakota Reservation

Tonight at 9pm on Current you can watch “The OxyContin Express,” our Vanguard episode about prescription-drug abuse. We're so honored to have been recognized most recently with a Peabody Award for the piece. In our upcoming season, I'll be reporting three very different stories from three very different locations: + A Lakota reservation in South Dakota: + Uganda and the controversy around a law that would criminalize homosexuality and in some cases make it punishable by death: + And I traveled to Ghana, Morocco, Brussels and Paris for a story about the trafficking of African soccer players to Europe: You can watch as we put together the episodes at the Vanguard Blog. Follow the Vanguard team on Twitter. added by: MarianaVanZeller

Our Birthday Blowout airs tonight: tell us your 1st experience w/Current! [Current.com Blog]

Current is turning 4, and to celebrate we're airing a Birthday Blowout special tonight at 9pm pacific on Current TV! We want to know what your first experience with Current was like! So, fire up the ol' webcam or any other video recording device within arms reach, and follow these instructions to join in on the fun: — Login to Current.com, and head over to this group: http://current.com/groups/current-firsts/ — Click the “Join this Group” button

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Our Birthday Blowout airs tonight: tell us your 1st experience w/Current! [Current.com Blog]