Tag Archives: biebs-on-stage

Justin Bieber Offends Canadian Aboriginals; Should He Apologize?

What was intended to be a joke by Justin Bieber has landed the singer in a bit of hot water. In an interview with Rolling Stone – inside the same issue that contains sex advice from the young star – Bieber is asked about his nationality and responds: “I’m actually part Indian. I think Inuit or something? I’m enough percent that in Canada, I can get free gas.” Harmless, right? Not to everyone… The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples has chimed and the group is unhappy with the implication behind Justin’s words. “These kinds of remarks are another example of what Aboriginal Peoples in Canada struggle with every day,” says the organization in a statement. “These kinds of remarks are another example of what Aboriginal peoples in Canada struggle with every day. It promotes the misconception that we are somehow getting a free ride. This simply is not the case and we are concerned that many people may believe what he said.” Honestly, many people likely don’t even understand what Bieber said. Still, he clearly did offend some people. Should Justin apologize?

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Justin Bieber Offends Canadian Aboriginals; Should He Apologize?