The convicted swindler begins to serve a 150-year sentence for his crimes.
See the original post here:
Madoff Arrives at Federal Prison in North Carolina (New York Times)
The convicted swindler begins to serve a 150-year sentence for his crimes.
See the original post here:
Madoff Arrives at Federal Prison in North Carolina (New York Times)
Posted in Hot Stuff
Tagged began-on-tuesday, begin-serving, bernard-madoff, biggest-investment, convicted-swindler, crimes, designer-watches, Madoff, past, ponzi, years
Bernard Madoff’s prison life began on Tuesday, a long way from the luxury homes, sleek yachts and precious designer watches and clothes he accumulated in the years he ran Wall Street’s biggest investment fraud.
See the original post:
Madoff’s prison life begins in North Carolina (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Posted in Hot Stuff
Tagged began-on-tuesday, begin-serving, bernard-madoff, biggest-investment, designer-watches, Madoff, north, past, ponzi, sleek-yachts, years