Tag Archives: bikini-casually

Anne V Still On the Beach in a Bikini of the Day

Bikini and lingerie models are fun…because they are professional bikini wearers…which makes looking at them on the beach in a bikini casually and for free…you know on their off time way more spectacular….because normal girls are totally inefficient at parading around half naked…that’s why these girls get paid the big money right? It’s like watching a pro athlete play his sport recreationally…or some shit…or maybe it’s not all that spectacular at all…especially not for someone who likes seeing all girls half naked…especially knowing Adam Levine and his horrible music was inside this vagina…making her almost disgusting to look at…or maybe I’m just lost in that untoned stomach…she needs to step up her bikini model game…cuz we’ve seen her WAY BETTER THAN THIS ….I guess it’s the off season…. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Anne V Still On the Beach in a Bikini of the Day