Iriana Shayk is Living the American Dream… Twenty Five years ago, a Russian in work camp dwelling babe, no matter how hot she was thanks to ethnic cleansing, could only escape through Ballet or the Olymoics or other sports….and often times that was only for short periods of time – occasionally going into hiding never to be seen again but often times being forced back to the communist work camp to live that life of rationed bread and potatos….depressing and grey…. Where the only taste of America was listening to Michael Jackson and other pop bands illegally, or paying a lot of rationed rolls of toilet paper for a coca cola or a pair of Levis…to touch anything America…. Now she is touching many other things America….mainly A Listers – but not from being mail order – but by her own hustle….the American Dream…. Here are some of her best pics… The post Irina Shayk is Living the American Dream of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Irina Shayk is Living the American Dream of the Day